Save or Download webpage as PDF file using Google Chrome definitely a killer solution for those who wants to save a webpage to their pc or laptop for offline reading. About 90% users download the webpages simply by clicking Ctrl+S and save. But that’s really an outdated method and also some pages may not works. Another think is when saving like this, all the external file like CSS, JS and HTML files will be saved and also some of them would be a broken one. So there must be some issues loading the page. To overcome all this issues, Google Chrome brings the option to save webpage as a PDF file. This is an inbuild option, so no need to download any other softwares or Chrome Extensions.
1. You can save any webpages as PDF files Directly to your Computer.
2. No need to install any softwares to download.
3. PDF Output Quality of the webpage will be the best one.
4. All the webpage contents will be included in single PDF file.
2. No need to install any softwares to download.
3. PDF Output Quality of the webpage will be the best one.
4. All the webpage contents will be included in single PDF file.
Save or Download webpage as PDF file using Google Chrome
1. Open Google Chrome web browser. Navigate to the webpage you want to Save or Download.
2. Then Press Ctrl+P (or) go to Chrome menu and click “Print”.
A pop-up window will appears like below.
3. Click “Change” button.
1. In the new change pop up window, click “Save as PDF” link.
1. After selecting “Save as PDF” the Destination will be changed to “Save as PDF”
2. Click Save.
1. Now by click “SAVE” save as window will open as below.
Select the filename and location you want to save the file and click save. You’ve all done.
Now goto the location and open the PDF file.
Now you can save or download any webpages into PDF file for reading it offline. Hope this is one of the best feature added to the Google Chrome web browser. I think all other web browsers will have to consider this feature to be better
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